零戦(ゼロ戦) Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter ザ・コクピット セル画展示研究室 紫電改〜Kawanishi N1K2-J(Shiden-Kai George)
THE COCKPIT Anime Cel Gallery

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OVA「音速雷撃隊」〜一式陸攻搭乗員 OVA「音速雷撃隊」〜野上少尉(Nogami second lieutenant) OVA「音速雷撃隊」〜米空母艦長
 Sonic Boom Squadron
Mitsubishi G4M(Type 1 land-based attack aircraft) crew





  Sonic Boom Squadron Nogami second lieutenant


 Sonic Boom Squadron U.S. aircraft carrier commander






ザ・コクピット』(THE COCKPITとは、松本零士氏の代表作の1つで第二次世界大戦をベースにした短編漫画集『戦場まんがシリーズ』を原作としたOVA作品。

ザ・コクピット』(THE COCKPIT)として、オムニバス形式のアニメ作品(OVA)として映像化された。制作はマッドハウス、ジャコム、ビジュアル80。映像化された作品は「成層圏気流」、「音速雷撃隊」、「鉄の竜騎兵」の3本。


  ・艦長:大宮悌二 (エンドロールでは、大宮二とあるが誤植である)


【上記引用参考参照 Wikipedia 2009.03.26】

The Cockpit (ザ・コクピット Za Kokupitto) is a World War II anthology film based on Leiji Matsumoto's Battlefield manga. The animated shorts are written and directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Takashi Imanishi and Ryousuke Takahashi.
 Kawajiri's Slipstream follows a Luftwaffe pilot on his mission to protect Germany's trump card: the world's first atomic bomb. Imanishi's Sonic Boom Squadron explores the last hours of an Ohka pilot on August 6, 1945. Takahashi's Knight of the Iron Dragon tells the story of two Japanese soldiers in Leyte as they attempt to keep a promise.

 A disgraced German fighter pilot is assigned to escort a bomber carrying his love and a fearsome secret cargo, but he failed and the bomber blew up.
[Sonic Boom Squadron]
 On August 5, 1945, a Japanese force of Betty bombers, each carrying an Ohka and escorted by Zero fighters, attempts a raid on an American aircraft carrier battle group in the Pacific Ocean. As the raiders are attacked by American carrier-based aircraft, Ensign Nogami, a young Ohka pilot, demands to be launched in his Ohka, but his Betty's crew refuses. The bomber is destroyed, throwing Nogami into space. He survives the failed raid and is able to return to base, where he meets the crew of the Betty who will fly him on a mission the following day, as well as two surviving Zero pilots who vow to help him succeed in his mission if it costs them their lives. On board the American carrier, the pilots receive news from their captain that the attacking Betties were carrying Ohkas.
 The next day, August 6, the Japanese attempt a second raid on the same battle group. An intense aerial fight ensues as the American carrier aircraft attempt to thwart the raiders from launching their Ohkas. Nogami's bomber is heavily damaged and almost destroyed, but is saved by the intervention of one of the Zero pilots, who crashes his aircraft into a pursuing F6F Hellcat. This enables the bomber to get within visual range of the battle group, and Nogami is launched in his Ohka just before the bomber disintegrates. He flies through a wall of anti-aircraft fire thrown up by the escorting vessels and crashes into the American aircraft carrier. Just before the carrier explodes, its captain receives word that an atomic bomb has just been dropped on Hiroshima.
[Knight of the Iron Dragon]
 Two soldiers attempt to reach an air base in order to fulfill a promise despite the fact that it might have been rendered moot in the reality of war.

【Quotation from Wikipedia 2009.02.06】

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